When Air Force veteran CJ Twomey shockingly ended his life at age 20, his family was plunged into unrelenting grief. In a moment of desperate inspiration, his mother Hallie put a call out to the world on social media: Would a handful of sympathetic travelers help fulfill her son’s ambition to see all the corners of the Earth by scattering some of his ashes in a place of beauty or special meaning to them?

It was a call that would resonate beyond her wildest expectations; the world answered and the loss of one became the inspiring, heart-felt mission of thousands.

SCATTERING CJ finds hope in the darkest of places, exploring the extraordinary generosity of strangers and one troubled family’s attempt to finally find peace. The story encapsulates two emotions from opposite ends of the spectrum of the human experience: the phenomena of suicide and the kindness of strangers. The darkness and the light.

SCATTERING CJ (1x60) released September 2022 from NETA and produced by Spark Media.